N to the A to the N to the A , NANA !

Friday, May 28, 2010


N to the A to the N to the A , NANA !

yeah hello guys , name given NUR SYAZLIYANA BINTI AZMI , prefer nana for short , err yana also but not SYAZ please ? currently stay dekat KLANG BANDAR DI RAJE , haa now study kat KOLEJ MATRIKULASI SELANGOR , away for one year , sorry sumpah bz weyh , exam na dekat , kuiz lg , gah bnyak na apal , bio chemy smue , hm tape next year bule ENJOYY , HAHA kejap jea , bak kate ADLIE BALIE , for one yea kene study btol btol , next year buat la ape jea , yeah ouke atok , ako ekot nasihat tho , HAHA , gah seram dngar smue smangat blajaa , ako jea men men lg , gah asl ako nie ? HAHA hm na tobat da nie , HAHA pasnie offl tobat laa , HAHA sah gile ako ken ken ? hm wish me luck weyh , SURGEON wannabee , na bedah org , HAHA . hope dpt la , amiinnnn ! err haa those who fuck me , ahah bitches , bule g mam ! g tejon sg.klang sne tho , hate ako bule g men jaoh jaoh , taya nyebok kat sini laa , shu shu derr buda nie , HAHA . hm love me ? yeah i love u more m ako syg org yg syg ako , HAHA kwn ako yg ajaa , haishfuckin rarely onnl weyh , lappy bwk g KMS p bz gilee kott . haish TOPF , sumpaa I MISS YOU BADLY !


err pasnie , maybe da FUCKIN RARELY ONNL , haa ade mase
ako g masjid kat KMS uh , kat stoo ade WIFI , HAHA bubbyee !
iloveyou laa *winkwink , BHAHAH ;")

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